Thank god for COD?
Should you have that option in your eStore? Unequivocally, the answer is yes.

So, we’re at the end of our shopping pilgrimage, and it’s customer decision time, the hardest decision of all, the matter of payment..
More importantly, the ‘options’ of payment given to us on our shopping voyage. We all know what kind of payment options people we are; money transfer, bank/card payment or PayPal.Which one are you?
In the name of safety, many people still think payment on delivery is the best option. So, let’s ask ourselves, should you have that option in your eStore? Unequivocally, the answer is yes..
A customer's deposition
One should feel compelled to know that ALL seller’s are obligated to provide various payment options in a comprehensible and user-friendly way. Feeling confusion about the shopping summary experience because it’s either hidden or unclear for a customer opens the window of skepticism. Not providing adequate information, runs the risk of getting that eyebrow raise, or an enduring eye roll, something hard to back from. Talk about redemption.
The ‘good vibes’ flexible only experience is an everyday pretence for the human species living in the 21st century. Anything that creates the opposite (negative) experience goes into liquidation, gets forgotten and obliterated within seconds. This is where the herd of unsatisfied consumers collate and ultimately latch on to the competition's far more desirable shopping experience. When you snoozing, you losing. Hence, worst to-ing and fro-ing on the monetisation side, shortened business growth and in the fullness of time, sales, or lack thereof..
Numbers really don’t lie
In terms of payment on Delivery, it is known that it is far more popular in the East (36%) & Russia then it is in Western Europe (4%). But in spite of that, in the here and now, those numbers have diminished and are no more. Naturally, we can assume the COVID-19 pandemic is a piecemeal of set reasons, growing customers' reassurance to choose contactless delivery options. A minority of sellers have reconciled from this option.
Just because the majority rides on ‘this’ delivery option, we must be mindful that those customers who want the POD option are also fundamental and cannot be overlooked. Treat everyone as equals ya.
The benefits of this payment method are logical:
- Birds eye view kind of privacy: payment on delivery is untraceable, so buying a present for your partner, amidst the ‘joint bank’ account ‘situation’, helps to keep ‘that’ element of surprise.
- Honors quality and compliance: enabling the customer to validate their delivered product, making sure it's not damaged.
- Cropped delivery time: you don’t have to wait until your payment is confirmed. The parcel can be sent almost immediately after placing the order.
The seller’s money ETA please?
Ah good old adjudication time. Where the power lies in the hands of the online store and the courier, and one mustn't forget the different policies for each company/broker. Take into account that if you collaborate with the broker, the time (process) will be far more drawn-out. In no order of importance, the customer pays the courier, the courier company transfers to the broker, your store is at the tail end of ze process.
All subject to who your favoured carrier is, the transfer could take a mere 24 hours or up to 30 days, and so the anticipation and the nail biting begins.
Again, this is a given, but always important to mention that only working days are counted..
When cod/pod parcels have invisibility cloaks..
Sadly, there is a flaw in the system of not obtaining the cash-on-delivery packages, it happens more than you think. In the spirit of magic, you can use a protection charm on your store.
- Probe your customer for a letter/email with the request for payment on delivery. (There are systems in place today that allow carriers, brokers and you to track each order’s status)
- Should the parcel not be collected, you must bear the patience until the courier company returns the shipment.
- Email your customer asking them to insure the delivery costs. Should this prove unavailing, proceed to file a claim in court.
Although it appears that COD comes with some higher risks, its fortuitous mark for business is that it advances notoriety and transparency. Most of all, people want the option. Do your due diligence in covering your store’s back and give the people what they want, otherwise your business/shopping carts can and will start to develop serious abandonment issues #tumbleweedmoment.